Topic ART (Топик Искусство). Сочинение About art на английском с переводом Современное искусство топик по английскому

Art is defined as the process and result of making material works, which reflect beauty or reality. Art includes various forms such as prose writing, poetry, dance, acting, sculpture, architecture, painting, drawing, music, theatre, cinema, etc. There are a variety of arts, including visual arts and design, decorating arts, applied arts, performing arts and etc. New forms include photography, film, video art, fashion, computer art, etc.

The early primitive art began in prehistoric times (rock painting). The greatest works of arts appeared in the ancient times (theatre, singing), in the Middle Ages (architecture), during the Renaissance period (literature, theatre and painting), in the 18 th -19 th centuries (music, literature), in the 20 th century (all modern arts).

Visual arts is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures. Artists make art for many reasons. Hundreds of years ago, when people couldn’t read, paintings were often designed to illustrate stories, especially Bible stories. And a lot of paintings were made to decorate churches. More recently, artists have begun to paint to express their own feelings or explore ideas, or just to create something beautiful.

People have always argued about art – how to make it, what it should look like and why. But there are no right or wrong answers. For example, some people think that paintings should look true to life. But many artists want to create more imaginative works – especially now that we have photographs to record how things look like. It’s common knowledge that there’s a huge difference in what artists do. What kind of art you enjoy is up to you.

To some people art is very important, to others it is nothing. For some, anything that is not about physical survival is secondary. For a spiritual being, art is definitely of primary importance. But there is always about art that really means something to most of us.

The most important role of art is to enable us to see the world differently, and in seeing the world through a particular work of art, to see a truth we might not have understood before, to think and reflect. Poets, artists, playwrights and composers are often sources of truth, order, harmony and meaning. Being able to think and to sense in different ways artists can unlock our imagination which is often as important as knowledge. Art makes people happier, and happiness is one of the most essential factors of life.

Practicing art as a hobby means personal creative fulfillment and self expression. The works amateur artists produce should not be masterpieces, but they help to awaken and heighten the aesthetic curiosity in their authors and develop their hidden talents. However, many people who take up practicing art, attend special courses, studios and clubs which main aim is to teach their students to enjoy what they are doing.

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Цель искусства – придать жизни форму.

Жан Ануй, французский драматург

Существуют десятки видов искусств и ремесел, а также связанных с ними профессий. В этой статье мы поговорим о наиболее популярных из них. Вы узнаете новые английские слова на тему «Искусство и ремесла» и выучите 10 ярких идиом по этой теме.

Arts – виды искусства на английском языке

Среди существующих видов искусств можно выделить архитектуру (architecture ), декоративно-прикладное искусство (decorative and applied arts ), дизайн (design ), изобразительное искусство (visual arts ), музыку (music ), ландшафтный дизайн (landscape design ), театр (theatre ) и литературу (literature ). Конечно, каждый из этих видов в свою очередь делится на массу подвидов, но для нас не столь важно количество и все детали классификации. Наша задача – изучить названия основных видов искусств на английском языке. Что ж, давайте попробуем.

Вид искусства Профессии Соответствующие глаголы
Architecture – архитектура. Architect – архитектор.

Engineer – инженер.

Designer – дизайнер.

To design – проектировать, конструировать.

To project – проектировать, разрабатывать, составлять проект.

Sculpture – скульптура. Sculptor – скульптор. To sculpture /sculpt – ваять, лепить, высекать.
Painting – живопись. Painter /artist – художник. To paint (in watercolours /gouache /ɡuˈɑːʃ /) – рисовать (акварелью/гуашью).

To draw from life – рисовать с натуры.

To draw in pencil – рисовать в карандаше.

Acting – актерское мастерство.

Cinema – кинематограф.

Theatre – театр.

Actor – актер.

Director – режиссер.

Stunt man /woman (person ) – каскадер.

Dramatist – драматург.

Prompter – суфлер.

To act – играть.

To play a role /part (of ) – исполнять роль.

To appear on stage – выступать на сцене.

To direct (a play ) – ставить (пьесу, спектакль), режиссировать.

To adapt a novel for the stage – ставить спектакль по роману.

To make one"s début /ˈdeɪbjuː / – выступать впервые, дебютировать.

Literature – литература.

Poetry – поэзия.

Writer – писатель.

Poet – поэт.

To write – писать.
Music – музыка.

Dancing – танцы.

Ballet /ˈbæleɪ / – балет.

Musician – музыкант.

Dancer – танцор.

Ballerina / ballet dancer – балерина / танцор балета.

Singer – певец.

Conductor – дирижёр.

Choreographer /ˌkɒriˈɒɡrəfə(r) / – хореограф.

To play a musical instrument – играть на музыкальном инструменте.

To perform a piece of music – исполнять музыкальное произведение.

To perform on stage – выступать на сцене.

To sing a song – петь песню.

To dance – танцевать.

Crafts – названия ремесел на английском

В отличие от искусств, ремесла подразумевают создание неких предметов вручную (by hand ). Конечно, они также требуют таланта (talent ), творческих способностей (creativity ) и воображения (imagination ). Однако ремесла – это не просто выражение мыслей автора (author ), это создание вполне практичных вещей. Вот какие бывают виды ремесла:

  • carpentry – плотничное дело (carpenter – плотник, столяр);
  • blacksmithing – кузнечное дело (blacksmith – кузнец);
  • pottery – гончарное дело (potter – гончар);
  • carving wooden / stone carving – резьба по дереву/камню (carver – резчик);
  • knitting – вязание (knitter – вязальщик);
  • embroidery – вышивание (embroiderer – вышивальщик);
  • sewing /ˈsəʊɪŋ / – шитье (seamstress /ˈsemstrɪs / – швея);
  • shoemaking – обувное дело (shoemaker – сапожник);
  • jeweller"s art – ювелирное дело (jeweller – ювелир).
  • Ремесла часто становятся любимыми хобби людей, поэтому советуем также почитать нашу статью « ».

Английские идиомы об искусствах и ремеслах

В любом языке существует масса устойчивых выражений, так или иначе связанных с искусством или ремеслами: «быть кузнецом собственного счастья», «сапожник без сапог», «играть на нервах» и многие другие. Предлагаем вам 10 английских идиом на данную тематику:

  1. To be the architect of one"s own fortune – быть кузнецом собственного счастья.

    He has always known his wishes and been the architect of his own fortune . – Он всегда знал свои желания и был кузнецом собственного счастья .

  2. The shoemaker"s wife is the worst shod – сапожник без сапог.

    He’s the best car mechanic in town but his own car has been broken for a year already – the shoemaker’s wife is the worst shod . – Он лучший автомеханик в городе, но его собственная машина уже год поломана – сапожник без сапог .

  3. To jangle on someone"s nerves – играть на нервах.

    Please don’t jangle on my nerves . I’m the most hot-tempered person in the world. – Пожалуйста, не играй на моих нервах , я самый вспыльчивый человек на земле.

  4. To sing like a nightingale – петь как соловей.

    She’s got a wonderful voice and sings like a nightingale . – У нее прекрасный голос, она поет как соловей .

  5. To face the music – мужественно встречать критику или трудности.

    It’s a virtue to be able to face the music and overcome life obstacles. – Быть способным мужественно встретить трудности и преодолеть жизненные препятствия – это большое достоинство.

  • Подробно об истории происхождения этой идиомы читайте в статье «10 популярных «музыкальных» идиом на английском языке »
  • To sing low – проявлять сдержанность в выражении своих взглядов, не навязывать свои взгляды.

    Everybody likes him because he always sings low . – Его все любят, ведь он никогда не навязывает своих взглядов .

  • To sing another tune – петь другую песню.

    Yesterday you promised to help me but today you’re singing another tune . – Вчера ты обещал помочь мне, а сегодня поешь другую песню .

  • To lay it on thick – сгущать краски.

    Don’t lay it on thick . It’s not that serious. – Не сгущай краски . Всё не так серьезно.

  • To draw a line – подводить черту, положить предел/конец.

    When their relationship reached a deadlock, they had to draw a line . – Когда их отношения зашли в тупик, они были вынуждены подвести черту .

  • To paint sb /sth black – очернять кого-либо/что-либо, изображать кого-либо/что-либо в мрачных красках.

    Personally, I hate people who like to paint others black . – Лично я ненавижу людей, которые любят очернять других .

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    В завершение статьи предлагаем вам пройти небольшой тест

    There many arts in the world, but the most popular are: literature, music, theatre, cinema and others. Every person has his or her own favorite art.

    Music has always fascinated people. It touches their hearts and makes them laugh or cry. Music can be heard everywhere. Nowadays there are a lot of musical genres: classical music, rock music, pop music, club music and others. I can listen to any genre of music. It depends on my mood. When I am sad I listen to classical music. When I am happy I like listening to energetic, fast music and hard beat. However, some people listen to one kind of music only and they listen to it no matter what mood they are in.

    There are a lot of wonderful works of literature-Famous writers and poets created a big variety of poems, stories and novels that are read over the world. Russian poets and writers like Pushkin, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are famous all over the world. Their works are translated into many languages.

    Theatre is a popular kind of arts, too. There are a lot of theatres in Russia, but most of them are situated in Moscow. The Bolshoi Theatre and the Maly Theatre are world famous. If you like opera you should go to the Bolshoi Theatre. The tickets are rather expensive though. The Maly Theatre stages dramas and plays based on classical novels.

    I am a theatre-goer. I prefer going to drama theatres. I do not like opera and ballet. Not long ago I saw Uncle"s Dream by Dostoevsky in the Vakhtangov Theatre I liked the play a lot. The decorations were rich and the famous actors played very well. There was a storm of applause after the performance.

    Nowadays theatres are becoming less and less popular, and cinema has got big popularity instead. There are a lot of cinemas in Moscow: modern and old-fashioned, cheap and expensive. Modern films are full of audio and computer special effects and people go to the cinema to enjoy them. The so-called home cinemas have appeared lately. More and more people buy modern TV-sets with large flat screens and special sound equipment and watch films at home.

    My favorite art is painting. I enjoy going to art galleries to look at paintings. I think that this type of art will exist forever. Artists express their feelings and emotions in their paintings. There are a lot of art galleries in Moscow, but the most famous one is me Tretyakov Gallery. It has large collections of paintings by Russian and foreign painters. My favorite painting is landscape. I think that Russian landscapists are the best in the world. I love going to this gallery when I have free time. One of my friends draws very well she is going to enter the University of Arts to become a professional artist. But I think that amateurs are the best artists.

    Unfortunately I do not have any talent for this or that art. I used to sing in childhood, but then I gave it up. I think that arts are not for me.

    Когда вы последний раз рисовали что-нибудь? Умеете ли вы разглядеть необычное в обычном и наоборот? А как у вас дела с воображением в принципе? Говорят, с теми, у кого оно бурное не соскучишься. Мы находим красоту вокруг нас и восхищаемся ею, делимся с другими и расчитываем на совпадение мнения с нашим и расстраиваемся, когда этого не происходит. Как бы то ни было, а все виды искусств служат величайшему из них — искусству жить на земле. What kind of artist are you?

    Essay on About art

    It does make sense, to start with that modern people, in general, are fond of grumbling. According to their point of view, life seems to be too complicated and unbearable. However, they always know better, how to make it easier. That"s one of the main reasons, why school subjects are currently under debates. Many people reckon, that, for instance, subjects connected with art are of very little use today. That"s why it"s jolly urgent to pay our attention to this curious topic in order to indicate all advantages and drawbacks of art subjects.
    To agree with the statement, I"d like to emphasize, that in our daily life art knowledge is not so demanded and needed. Actually, we are able to live well without art and be quite satisfied with ourselves. In addition, people could say that not everyone has some outstanding skills or natural talent to sing or dance, thus such people would always be worse than others. Bottom line, it will influence their self-respect. And that doesn"t sound cool at all. Nonetheless, it is believed, that it is of vital importance to be aware of music and art history. People suppose, that it strongly effects and even improves the process of self-development, as well as psychism in general. So, there is a germ of truth in it.
    Speaking of my opinion, firstly, it would be better to answer the question whether an individual who doesn"t have any experience and knowledge in the art could be considered sophisticated in the modern society with its strict and moral standards. I guess it is almost impossible. From this perspective, everyone can agree, that art subjects are surely important for all students.
    In conclusion, I"m going to mention, that we are all different. Opinions differ. We all have our own strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, therefore it"s senseless to say that everyone should devote themselves to art or science only. At the same time, living in the 21st century, it"s better to be educated, many-sided and maintain an open mind to reach goals. That"s it.

    Сочинение на тему Об искусстве

    Имеет смысл начать с того, что современные люди, в общем, любят поворчать. По их мнению, жизнь кажется слишком сложной и невыносимой. Тем не менее, они всегда лучше знают как сделать ее легче. Это одна из основных причин, почему школьные предметы в настоящее время бурно обсуждают. Сегодня, многие считают, что, например, предметы, связанные с искусством, являются бесполезными. Вот почему очень важно обратить внимание на эту любопытную тему, чтобы определить все преимущества и недостатки дисциплин по искусству.
    Соглашаясь с данным утверждением, я бы хотел подчеркнуть, что в нашей повседневной жизни искусство не так востребовано и необходимо. На самом деле, мы способны прекрасно жить без него и быть вполне удовлетворенными. В добавок, люди могли бы сказать, что не у всех есть какие-либо выдающиеся навыки или врожденный талант к пению или танцам. Таким образом, эти люди всегда будут хуже остальных. Короче говоря, это повлияет на их самоуважение. А это вовсе не круто. Тем не менее, считается, что жизненно необходимо иметь представление о музыке и истории искусства. Люди полагают, что это оказывает сильное воздействие и даже способствует улучшению саморазвития, а также умственных способностей в целом. Итак, в этом есть доля правды.
    Беря во внимание мою мнение, сначала было бы лучше ответить на вопрос, может ли человек, не имеющий опыта и знаний в искусстве, считаться эрудированным в современном обществе с его строгими стандартами и моралью. Думаю, это почти невозможно. Исходя из этой точки зрения, каждый может согласиться с тем, что предметы искусства, безусловно, важны для всех учащихся.
    В заключение, я хотел бы упомянуть, что мы все отличаемся. Cколько людей, столько и мнений. Также, у нас есть свои сильные и слабые стороны, и возможности, поэтому бессмысленно говорить, что каждый должен посвятить себя только искусству или науке. В то же время, в 21 веке лучше быть образованным, разносторонним и придерживаться широких взглядов, чтобы достичь целей. Вот так-то.

    Похожие сочинения


    The variety of arts is unlimited. What do you prefer: cinema, theatre, painting, music? Why?

    Art is defined in encyclopedias as the process and result of making material works, which reflect beauty or reality. The "creative arts" denote a number of disciplines whose purpose is to create material things which reflect a message, mood, and symbols for the viewer to interpret.

    Art includes various forms such as prose writing, poetry, dance, acting, sculpture, painting, music, etc. The term "arts" often means "fine arts" - painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving. Installation art, furniture, industrial design, graphic design and others are included in applied arts. There are a variety of arts, including visual arts and design, decorative arts, plastic arts, and the performing arts. Artistic expression may take many forms: painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, music and architecture. New forms include photography, film, video art, conceptual art, performance art, land art, fashion, comics, computer art. Within each form, a wide range of genres may exist.

    Of all the forms of art, I prefer painting and music. I am really interested in painting for several reasons. Firstly, it is one of the oldest forms of art. Humans have been painting for about 6 times as long as they have been writing. The oldest painting found is over 32,000 years old. Painting is a form of art which is believed by many to express feelings and ideas in the visual form. Using visual images - colours, light and shade, forms and shape, a painter makes us understand his concept of life, share his feelings and enjoy the beauty of the world. Secondly, painting offers you a wide choice of styles, it allows us to be as specific or abstract as we please. From the wide range of various art schools and styles (realism, impressionism, cubism, fauvism, surrealism, modernism, pop art, etc.) you can choose one to your liking. The art schools I prefer are realism and impressionism, as I think they depict form and mood in the most distinct and vivid way.

    The second form of art I am really keen on is music. The term "music" is difficult to define. It can be explained, for example, as the art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. The music that composers make can be heard through several media; the most traditional way is to hear it live, in the presence of performers. Live music can also be broadcast over the radio, television or the internet. Firstly, music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood and changes mine. In doing so, it appeals both to my mind and to the subconscious. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts.

    There are many divisions and groupings of music. Among the larger genres are classical music, popular music or commercial music, country music and folk music. Classical music is sophisticated and refined, but it is a universal form of communication, it historically was the music of the upper strata of society. Popular music is music belonging to any of a number of musical styles that are accessible to the general public; it is mostly distributed commercially. It is sometimes abbreviated to pop music, although pop music is more often used for a narrower branch of popular music. Pop music is usually memorable, with voices, lyrics, instruments creating catchy tunes. Pop music attracts listeners through easy sound images.

    Translate the following sentences into English.
    1. Из всего безграничного многообразия видов искусства я предпочитаю живопись и музыку.
    2. Искусство пользуется популярностью у многих людей, поскольку оно отражает красоту мира.
    3. Изобразительные искусства включают живопись, рисунок, гравюру, скульптуру и ряд прикладных видов искусства, таких как инсталляция, промышленный дизайн, графический дизайн и т. д.
    4. Художественное выражение принимает традиционные формы, такие как живопись, скульптура, музыка и архитектура, а также ряд новых форм, таких как фотография, видеоисскусство, концептуальное искусство, ландшафтный дизайн и т. д.
    5. Зрительные образы, которые использует художник, такие как цвет, свет, тень, форма, выражают его видение жизни.
    6. Важнейшими элементами музыки являются звуки, ритм, гармония и контрапункт.
    7. Музыка включает множество жанров (разновидностей), таких как популярная, или коммерческая музыка, музыка кантри, классическая музыка.
    8. Классическая музыка раньше была музыкой высших слоев общества, популярная музыка доступна широкой аудитории.

    1. Of the unlimited variety of arts, I prefer painting and music.
    2. Art is popular with many people because it reflects beauty or reality.
    3. Fine arts include painting, drawing, engraving, sculpture, and a number of applied arts like installation art, industrial design, graphic design, and so on.
    4. Artistic expression takes traditional forms like painting, sculpture, music and architecture, and a number of new forms, such as photography, video art, conceptual art, land art and so on.
    5. Visual images used by the painter, such as colours, light, shade, shape express his concept of life.
    6. The most important elements of music are sounds, rhythm, harmony and counterpoint.
    7. Music includes many genres, such as popular music, or commercial music, country music, classical music.
    8. Classical music used to be the music of the upper strata of society, popular music is accessible to general public.

    Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.